Happy New Year

Well here we are, 2012 already and the first blog of the year. I don’t know about you but I for one was pretty sure we would be in the future by now, you know, hover boards, silver suits and the like. Still, certain aspects of those futuristic movies from childhood are very much upon us and here at ADOtowers, we love getting to know all about them and how to utilise them for our clients and ourselves. This year looks set to be another great one and we have some very interesting projects and exciting developments lined up. We will of course divulge more details and keep you up to date with our futuristic new plans over the coming weeks (we like to keep you on your toes y’know).

The future?To kick off the new year we also have a brand spanking new member of the team. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr Steve Taylor! our fresh faced new recruit and ADOmedia’s very own business development manager. He’s settling in very well at the towers, making himself at home and helping us to take care of our clients, new and existing. We can’t have the standards slipping now can we? So please be friendly and if you see him about the towers just give him a little wave.

So no silver suits as yet I’m afraid but the new year is a great excuse to have a fresh start. Like almost everyone else, here at ADOmedia we are thinking about clearing out the cupboards, chucking out those old Christmas biscuits and replacing them with something fresher. We’re limbering up, dusting down and generally trying to get a bit better looking, healthier and more productive for the new year. But enough about our beauty routines, we are also taking a fresh approach to business.

Many potential clients and customers will be looking to shake things up a bit and get things moving. Are you ready for it? Why not take a look at your own marketing campaign? If your web presence is looking a little ‘last year’ or your web marketing campaign has been pushed to the back of the cupboard, give us a bell. We are happy to help out with new ideas and we are always available to offer advice on your next step.

Now really is the time to get things moving. Be it updating your existing web site for a something a little racier, a little more “twenty twelve” or putting your back into promoting your existing website, pushing it up the search engines and building your client base, we are, as always, here to help.

Why not give us a call, say hi to Steve and get things moving? Lets see what we can do this year…